This blog is dedicated to my love of movies, quotes, song lyrics and random useless information. My theory is that there are lots of clever writers out there who have already penned what we less verbally-clever people want to say. Use what's already been written. :) Happy Quoting!


eat your heart out. my first real love...

Jim Craig: I think they're trying to make a butler out of me.
Jessica Harrison: They're trying to make a lady out of me.
Jim Craig: Well, they won't have no luck.
Jessica Harrison: Thank you very much!
Jim Craig: Now hold on, I didn't mean...
Jessica Harrison: I don't suppose they'll have any luck making a gentleman out of you, either.

i want to eat a fancy grilled cheese.

no way, there's like $7 worth of jarlsberg on there!!


lisa lewis is a music goddess.
"I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you"



a more fabulous line cannot be found for any situation...

I bet it's jUUicy!

On the FAT SIDE.
