This blog is dedicated to my love of movies, quotes, song lyrics and random useless information. My theory is that there are lots of clever writers out there who have already penned what we less verbally-clever people want to say. Use what's already been written. :) Happy Quoting!


or better yet: mrs. errol fllynn

Out of the way, little man.
What a pity her manners don't match her looks, Your Highness
I'll have him dangling in a week.
Let him approach...By my faith, but you're a bold rascal. Robin. I like you.

Marian: Why, you speak treason!
Robin: Fluently.


Meredith said...

i love his scratchy little voice with which he speaketh!

thee best disney movie. ever.

Meredith said...

i meant for that comment to go on the disney one.