This blog is dedicated to my love of movies, quotes, song lyrics and random useless information. My theory is that there are lots of clever writers out there who have already penned what we less verbally-clever people want to say. Use what's already been written. :) Happy Quoting!


i hate my nose power.

jane: my emigdola. the organ deep inside the naval cavity which processes scent, which then connects to memory? i’d like to have it extracted.

dr. klein: but why would you want to voluntarily do that?

jane: well let me see if i can explain this. um, i had this boyfriend, ok? and he smelled really good. like soap...and...fresh laundry...and vanilla...and any time i smell any of those smells i’m reminded of my boyfriend and how happy we were before he dumped me for no good reason, and i get very sad and then i get angry and then before i know it, i am in [yelling now] the THROWS of an all out emotional BREAK DOWN and so i was just [crying now] thinking, doctor klein, if i could just short circuit my nose somehow, i might actually have a chance of living a semi-normal life someday.

[folds her arms across her chest.]

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